Course description

Detailled Programme

Realistically setting and achieving your targets

Opening  offers

Dominating the talks by setting and controlling the agenda

The different negotiation modes (cooperative, competitive, personal, institutional, organisational)

Defensive and offensive  strategies, how and when to use them

Strength and weakness from negotiation teams

The power of informal talks

Package deals

The inside-out tactic

Using deadlines: when and how

How to act on ultimatums

The low profile approach: using the other side’s objectives to attain your goals

The high profile approach: dangers and advantages

Beware of assumptions

How flexible can you be?

The art of concession making

List of powerful and persuasive arguments

Shifting power relations

Personal versus institutional negotiations

Internal versus external negotiations

Group to group negotiations

Divide and rule: looking for allies and using them

Variations to the good/bad cop tactic

How to change the « rules » to get want you want

Walking away and going back without losing face

BATNA’s, the basis of every bargaining

How to handle deadlocks

Dealing with unreasonable demands and threats

Managing conflicts

Risk taking and authority

How to handle and use “escalation” to your advantage

Building up arguments: the danger of overselling

Power related issues: legitimacy by using facts, statistics, expert reports

Dealing with different negotiation cultures/personalities

Lessons from the oriental approach : Confucius and  « The art of War ».

Keeping the initiative

Managing a crisis

Insecure contracts, keys to consistent and lasting deals

Tactics : the auction and reverse auction, the disarmament tactic, the

“must do better” tactic, the multi-step procedure, “no manoeuvrability”, ...

Perfect timing : when and how to effectively close the deal

Techniques that neutralize surprises or "ambushes" from the other side

Read your opponent like a book, unveil hidden meanings in conversations, and

analyse your opponent's nonverbal behaviour

The win-win approach

Post settlement negotiations

Setting up a negotiation data base

Case studies and examples from entrepreneurs, top politicians, high ranking EU

officials and diplomats.


Pedro Agua, Portuguese civil servant

“this course has the merit of being a kind of best of…and as such I intend to re-read it and keep it at arm’s length..

When comparing my past experience as a purchasing engineer for Hi-Tec systems I which I had taken this course ten years ago. It would have save me from facing several troubles”